My Personal Journey not only to lose weight, but to find happiness and success along the way in ALL aspects of my life.

Monday, February 15, 2010

960 Calories in Soda Are you KIDDING ME?

When you start watching your diet and the number of Calories you consume in a day you will be horrified at what you were eating before. I found that when I ate certain dishes I was consuming my entire Calorie allowance for ONE DAY during just one meal. What is worse is that I would drink a 6 pack of Mountain Dew A Day. Lets do the math. One can of Mountain Dew has 160 Calories *6=960. That is 960 Calories I was consuming in Soda alone. I see so many people who try to exercise while not watching their diet at all. You have got to watch your diet. Working out is alot of work and I don't know about you but I don't want all that work to be offset by something I ate that day! Its been six weeks since I set out on my journey. I have lost 22 lbs and I feel great. My whole purpose of this blog is to inspire others. I know what it feels like to feel like the cards are stacked against you. I know what it feels like to think, "its not possible ive tried so many times." I am here to tell you that it is possible. The first step is getting rid of all that negative self talk and saying YES I CAN DO THIS!!! My favorite quote of Jillians is, "you can tell me that you choose to quit, that you CHOOSE to be less then what you are and less then what God intended but don't ever tell me you can't do it." You have two options. You "choose" to quit or you CHOOSE to keep pushing knowing deep in your heart YES I CAN!

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